How Many Egg Donor Children in the US?

By admin on August 02, 2011

Can anyone tell me how many children there in the US that have been born using donor eggs?

I have been sent to pages of detailed CDC and SART reports to dig through numbers, several other websites, several documents with incomplete years and reporting information, and some records where embryo and egg statistics are combined. I am unable to come up with a number.

I am I really the first person to ask the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) for this “magic” number? We do know that no one has any idea how many children have been born from donor sperm, as there has been no accurate record keeping by sperm banks or clinics.  But I had always heard that the reproductive medicine industry accurately tracked the number of children born from egg donation, so I am so surprised to find that no one (so far) can give me this number, after days of searching.  If anyone has this elusive number, please send it to me, and I will update this post so in the future there is a number for all interested parties to be aware of.  If the number was obvious, but I have just been ineffective in finding it, I will update my post to reflect that fact too!

Can anyone help?
