Posting/Medical Update Icon

By admin on August 29, 2007

Hi All,

I frequently receive messages from DSR members who are contacted by “matches” who are not actually posted on the DSR. They are oftentimes confused, as to why they don’t actually see their “match” listed on the DSR. Please…if you are going to contact a match on the DSR, please also post.

We are going to implement a new “medical” icon for each donor number listed on the DSR within the next few months. This “medical” button will allow only those who have posted for any given donor to add, update, edit and view any medical, genetic and/or donor profile
information on their donor.

Again, this will only be accessible to those actually posted for that donor. I believe this will be very helpful to the families that have used a certain donor, so that they can all be kept up to date with any new donor information- either via updated donor profiles, from the donor himself, through DNA testing and offspring medical updates.
