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NOTE: Information shown below has been voluntarily submitted by individuals interested in establishing mutually desired contact between half-siblings and/or donors (genetic relatives).

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Posted by Offspring (Female)
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Cooper Centre for IVF


Fairfax Cryobank states that this is an affiliate of theirs on their website in early 2007, it may have been before that year too. A former egg donor reports, " I am a donor from 1999 and tried to get any info I could from my clinic and they said the donation was and would remain anonymous and would in no was assist or allow me to leave info to pass along to the recipients and that they destroy records after 10 years. "

Donor ID & Info Offspring / Contact Info
  • Started donating Jan 2005.
  • Puerto rican & russian.
  • Salesman & hairdresser.
  • Donor ID# 412 We received 4 embryos donated at the Cooper Center in New Jersey. These embryos were created in January 2005. We have limited information but we do know that the female was 25.5 years old at the time of the retrieval, ethnic origin is Russian, has brown eyes and brown hair. Her occupation was a hairdresser. Her hobby was swimming. The male donor was 24.5 years old, ethnic origin is Puerto Rican, he has hazel eyes and brown hair. His occupation was a salesman and his hobby was basketball. We are now the proud parents of twin boys and would like to personally thank our donors who made our dreams come true. Please don't be shy and make contact with us.
  • Male born Mar 2008
  • Male born Mar 2008
  • Read message posted 04/08/09
  • Updated on 05/28/09
  • parent
There are a total of 2 offspring, 0 sibling matches, and 0 donor to offspring matches for this donor.