By admin on September 05, 2021
It is very difficult to feel torn between the needs of different members of your family. You love them both and want to do what is best for each of them, even when those needs seem to be at odds. Up until this point, your family has "protected the privacy" of the donor and "maintained the secret" from your child. The difference in opinion you and your spouse now have can be a source of conflict in your marriage.
In some families, spouses place a different importance on the facts of conception. However, most people who have not disclosed have done so in order to protect their spouses. Infertility brings with it a social stigma and, in many cases, shame. Non-bio parents often fear that their children will feel differently about them once they learn that there is no genetic connection between them. Speak with your spouse lovingly and respectfully about their feelings and concerns. We also recommend that your spouse take a good look at whether or not they have sufficiently dealt with the grief of their own infertility and not being able to give your child a genetic connection. Many people do not adequately process through this grief before their child is born, and then have difficulty not passing this unresolved grief, in some way, to their children. When this grief is not verbalized, validated, and fully processed by both parents, every member of the family can suffer.

Some parents are also fearful that their kids might look at them differently and that their parenting might come under much more scrutiny. They worry that they may not be perfect parents and if their kids know that there isn't a genetic bond, that they will view them as less of a parent. It's important for these men to know that all of us worry about our parenting at some point! Until these issues are addressed sufficiently, your husband is less likely to change his mind about disclosure.

Parents will also need to put aside their own feelings of guilt. If parents are feeling guilty about holding "the secret," they may be incapable of dropping their defenses to be in an open emotional state to honor and acknowledge their child's pain.

The two of you have to weigh your spouse’s strong feelings against the potential problems you will encounter from withholding the information from your child. When your child finds out the truth (and they will), there is a great likelihood that they will be angry at having the information withheld until now. This feeling will be directed toward both parents. Your ongoing conversations with your spouse must focus on your child’s needs.

My Spouse Doesn’t Want to Connect With Our Child’s Genetic Relatives. What Should I Do?

In same-sex parent families where donor gametes were was used to conceive, the non-biological parent may also feel insecure about their lack of genetic connection to their child. While the facts surrounding the child’s conception are more likely to be shared in that family arrangement, the non-biological parent may, like the non-bio heterosexual parent, be resistant to searching for a donor who might threaten their role in the two-parent structure. They may even feel threatened by their child’s half-siblings and not allow contact to be made with them. It’s important for this parent to know that their child’s genetic relatives are no threat to them and that it’s in the best interests of their child to acknowledge the importance of exploring these new family connections.

Some parents may feel the need to minimize the genetic connection between their child and the donor. If a child grows up in a family where half of their genetic, ancestral, and medical background is minimized or negated, they can feel a lot of guilt if and when they do become curious. Parents need to be very careful not to put their own biases onto children and allow them to process and define these familial connections for themselves as they mature. We don’t want our children to feel like they are betraying their parents by having normal feelings of curiosity about their unknown genetic family and we don’t want our children to wonder why they were not allowed to know their close genetic relatives while growing up.

By admin on September 03, 2021

Today, September 3rd, 2021 marks the Donor Sibling Registry’s 21st anniversary!

This was our very first posted message:
I am the mother of an awesome 10-year-old donor child. I know that he has at least 3 donor siblings and would love to contact them. We are looking for Donor #1058 from the California Cryobank. I hope that this board will serve others looking for their children’s (or their own) siblings.

During the DSR's first few years, we worked tirelessly to convince the sperm banks and the egg clinics, the reproductive medicine Industry, and many parents that disclosing the truth to offspring was necessary and that it should happen early in a child's life. Yet back then, fear, shame, and embarrassment of infertility still overruled honesty in the majority of heterosexual donor families, as the Industry recommended (and benefitted) from this silence and shame-based secrecy.  Only a few organizations, like the Infertility Network in Canada, challenged this idea. Now we have dozens of published research articles illustrating why early disclosure is best.

At conferences where we regularly present research on all of the stakeholders, I've spent countless hours in face-to-face meetings with sperm banks and egg clinics pleading for them to read our published research and re-examine their policies. While sperm bank policies haven't changed much, donor families have been evolving. So many more parents understand the importance of early disclosure, a child's right to know about their origins, and the importance of acknowledging and honoring their child's curiosities about their unknown genetic family and the importance of making these connections, long before the age of 18.  These days, I frequently consult with parents who are about to tell their adult children as they just can’t carry the secret any longer, and feel guilt over not being honest with their children. Most were advised to never tell. Now, even the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (the ASRM) has finally, in recent years, begun to advise early disclosure.  

Early on, we began to examine and tackle the issue of donor anonymity, long before DNA testing blew anonymity completely out of the water in 2005. While many egg clinics connect parents and donors from pregnancy/birth via the DSR, the sperm selling industry still misleadingly sells every single vial of sperm as anonymous, be it for 18 years or forever. Not a single sperm bank will facilitate such early connections and many won't honestly acknowledge or properly educate their clients and donors that maintaining anonymity is no longer possible.  The American Society of Reproductive Medicine's continued silence on the topics of anonymity and about the needs of donor-conceived people to know about their ancestry, family medical history (and updated information), and close genetic relatives speaks volumes.

The DSR now has more than 75,750 members and has now facilitated more than 21,100 connections. While warming to the idea of half-sibling connections, many parents still insist that the donor is only a contributor of "a cell" or "a piece of genetic material" and has no importance or place in their children’s lives.  While that might be the case for parents, the "donated cell" actually contributes around 50% of a donor-conceived person's DNA and therefore affecting many of their health, mental, and physical characteristics.  As more donor-conceived people tell their stories publicly, we'll keep hearing about the importance of knowing their close genetic relatives, and about their ancestry and family medical history. 

We’ve worked very hard to convince the sperm and egg selling industries, donors, and parents about the importance of connecting donor-conceived people with their close genetic relatives long before they reach adulthood. At first, this idea was novel and many threw up their arms in outrage, proclaiming a donor’s right to anonymity and denying any importance of a genetic connection. One LGBTQ organization, the Family Equality Council, proclaimed that "DNA doesn't make a family!" and some parents claimed, “those people are not your family!” (from the parent of one of my son’s 21 half-siblings). We held our ground as we watched match after match on the DSR have a profound impact on donor-conceived people, parents, donors, and their family's lives as the meaning of "family" expanded and lives were enriched.

In no other segment of the population is it accepted practice to deliberately keep people from their close genetic relatives (eg. biological parents, half-siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents) until adulthood, or even forever. How the reproductive medicine industry still sells this idea as in the best interests of all stakeholders, most importantly for donor-conceived people, is utterly baffling to me. How will history judge this practice that actively works to keep people from their close relatives, ancestry, and medical histories?

We’ve waved our arms for years about the Industry's lack of accurate record-keeping, their subsequent inability/refusal to track and then limit the number of children born to any single donor, and their inability/refusal to update and share medical information amongst families and donors. Sadly, 21 years later, these issues are far from being acknowledged and therefore resolved.

In the meantime, we'll keep giving it our all. Kudos and thanks to all of our Donor Sibling Registry donors, parents, and donor-conceived people that have been brave enough to tell their stories publicly, in the media, and via our website.  Each story and testimonial pushes for a more moral, ethical, just, integrious, and accountable donor conception world, honoring all stakeholders, but putting the needs and rights of donor-conceived people first and foremost.

A huge thanks to all who have supported our work over the years by paying for DSR membership. Without you all, we wouldn't have been able to accomplish all that we have.

Nate's mom Jennifer was the 2nd mom to join the DSR in 2000, acknowledging the importance of her son connecting with his donor family. Nate met his biological father Cliff through the DSR twelve years later, and he now knows of eleven half-siblings. Here's Nate and Cliff with a half-sister, Billie, and her fiance Mike.

By admin on August 11, 2021

Donor-Conceived People Desiring Contact With their Biological Parents (Donors): What's It All About?

It Is About:

  1. Learning about my ancestry.
  2. Learning about my family medical history
  3. Learning about my other close genetic relatives, eg. grandparents and half-siblings.
  4. Wanting you to acknowledge that I exist.
  5. Wanting you to know that I am someone you can be proud of.
  6. Wanting to give you the opportunity to know me. 
  7. Wanting you to know that I will respect your boundaries.
  8. Wanting you to understand that this connection could enrich all of our lives.

It Is Not About: 

  1. Money, eg. paying for my education.
  2. Looking for a dad or a mom.
  3. Invading or disrupting your family or your life in any way.